Ingegnere civile/strutturista

Ste*** ***** (XX Anni)
Structural Engineer a Mott MacDonald
University of Surrey, England
Questo candidato e' disposto a spostare
Structural Engineer
Mott MacDonald
gen 2016 - mag 2018
Structural Engineer for Special Services Division, Metro and Civil Department - Croydon, England
Composite Structural Engineer
Gurit UK
nov 2010 - gen 2015
Composite structural engineer for Engineered Structures Department - Newport, Isle of Wight, England
Structural Engineer
McCabe Delaney Engineers
ago 2006 - lug 2008
Structural Engineer - Dublin, Ireland
Ingegnere Strutturista
PR.AS. Tecnica Edilizia
apr 2005 - mag 2006
Ingegnere Strutturista - Roma
SERING Ingegneria
dic 2004 - feb 2005
Consulente esterno - Roma
Ingegnere strutturista
Studio Gaudiano
feb 2004 - nov 2014
Ingegnere strutturista - Roma
Master in Bridge Engineering
University of Surrey, England
set 2008 - set 2010
Master in Ingegneria dei Ponti conseguito con votazione massima (Distinct)
Laurea in Ingegneria Civile
Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata
set 1994 - nov 2003
Laurea vecchio ordinamento (5 anni) - Indirizzo Strutture conseguita con Lode
italiano - madre lingua
inglese - fluente
Informazioni addizionali
Il mio nome è Stefano Casini, sono un ingegnere strutturista con oltre 10 anni di esperienza professionale.
Mi sono laureato con lode in Ingegneria Civile, indirizzo Strutture (vecchio ordinamento) presso l’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Ho inoltre conseguito a pieni voti un Master in Bridge Engineering presso la University of Surrey, England.
La mia esperienza professionale, iniziata in Italia, è poi proseguita in Irlanda prima e in Inghilterra successivamente, dove ho speso gli ultimi 7 anni e mezzo, passando da piccoli studi professionali, a società multidisciplinari di media grandezza fino a grossi gruppi internazionali. Durante la mia carriera mi sono occupato principalmente di progetto e calcolo di diversi tipi di strutture ed in diversi materiali, dai più tradizionali come calcestruzzo armato ed acciaio, a materiali innovativi come polimeri rinforzati con fibre di vetro e carbonio di cui mi sono occupato nei miei 5 anni di lavoro presso Gurit UK, con l’utilizzo di vari codici di calcolo agli elementi finiti ed in accordo a diversi standard internazionali. Attualmente lavoro come ingegnere strutturista presso la Special Services Division di Mott MacDonald a Londra.
-	una solida preparazione accademica
-	capacità di modellazione grafica, analitica e numerica di strutture
-	una variegata esperienza decennale come progettista strutturale
-	maturità, serietà e determinazione
-	propensione alla precisione e qualità
-	flessibilità
-	disponibilità a trasferte
-	inglese fluente
I have a degree in Structural Engineering from The University of Rome Tor Vergata (5-year course, first class honours) and a Master in Bridge Engineering from The University of Surrey, England (distinction).
I have over 10 years of work experience as Structural Design Engineer  in Italy, Ireland and the UK, working for both local consulting practices and large international groups, in the design of various types of structures and in different materials, from conventional ones, such as reinforced concrete and steel, to innovative materials such as FRP composite materials. I am Chartered with the Institution of Engineers of Rome and with the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
Since January 2016 I work as a Structural Engineer in the Special Services Division of Mott MacDonald. Among the other most recent and notable experiences are the 5 years working as a Structural Engineer for Gurit UK, a leading global supplier of composite materials (FRP) and engineering services.
In the roles covered so far, my responsibilities usually included structural design as part of a team or on my own for minor projects, design specifications and structural design report writing, drafting, supervision of cad technicians and check of drawings before issuing, record keeping of projects and contact with clients. In several occasions during my career I had the opportunity to interface and collaborate with specialists from other disciplines, both internal and external, such as architects, M&E engineers, builders etc. On occasion, I have trained graduate engineers and given internal and external presentations and I am comfortable at communicating in general. 
I have a working knowledge of some national and international design standards including Eurocodes and British Standards and I am proficient in several FE analysis software, graphics software for 2D and 3D drafting and Microsoft Office package.
I have a strong and broad academic background, with particular emphasis on Structural Engineering and with solid fundamentals of most of the Civil Engineering disciplines, including Geotechnics, Earthquake Engineering, Bridge Engineering. And this, coupled with sound analytical, IT and problem-solving skills, make me able to rapidly and independently acquire any further specific technical knowledge that the role may require and succeed in any task that I will be given.
I am a naturally detail-orientated person but also pragmatic, who has a critical but constructive approach to situations, always committed to what I do and that gives the best when given responsibility.
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