Data analyst, business development, hr, operations and supply chain

Tom*** ***** (XX Anni)
consultant project a Hotel ritz four season Lisbon
consultant project
Hotel ritz four season Lisbon
feb 2019 - mag 2019
Evaluation of the costs to completely eliminate plastic in the Front Office
Data analyst and research
Youth council of slovakia
gen 2018 - lug 2018
related to education and public policies
Project assistant
City hall of bydgoszcz (Poland)
ott 2017 - dic 2017
training energy saving practices in high schools and helping in office related administrative issues
Promoter di vendita
Inventa cpm
apr 2015 - mar 2016
svolto durante gli studi a milano
Executive master in business administration
lug 2019 - Attualmente
as part of double degree program
International management - strategy and consulting
Catolica Lisbon school of Be
set 2018 - giu 2019
double degree master program
economia aziendale e management
Bocconi Milano
set 2014 - set 2017
Laurea triennale - include un semestre in scambio presso FGV Sao Paulo
inglese - fluente
portoghese - fluente
spagnolo - avanzato
Informazioni addizionali
computer science skills
Microsoft Office, advanced level with IC3 GS3 certification
OS Windows, advanced level
R and excel for data analysis
extra curricular activities
Green light for Business Student Association (Bocconi University): Developing sustainability and CSR themes
Catolica and Consulting linked Student Association (Catholic Lisbon): Developing a consultancy project for Elecctro (Lisbon)
GCT Gloria Project (Colombia) – July 2016: Brazilian FGV EAESP and Los Andes University Cultural exchange
Erasmus+ Project: Travelled to Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Greece, Lithuania, Serbia, France, Belgium, Slovakia, Turkey, from 2015 and 2019.
Developing activities related to social integration, international team-working and non-formal education.
I leaded twice my national group