Unity developer

Dom*** ***** (XX Anni)
Questo candidato e' disposto a spostare
Diploma di Perito Industriale Informatico
I.T.I.S "G. Ferraris"
Capacità e Competenze:
•	Discreta capacità di assistenza tecnica (Hardware e Software).
•	Certificazione “Junior Programmer” rilasciata da Unity Technlogies.
•	Ottima conoscenza dell’ambiente di sviluppo “Unity 3D”, nel quale ho maturato 2 anni di esperienza.
•	Portfolio personale: https://degennarodomenicof.wixsite.com/domdix
•	Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/domenico-francesco-de-gennaro-37b422200/
•	Buona conoscenza del pacchetto Office.
•	Certificazione Cisco CCNA Routing and Swithching: Routing and Switching Essentials.
•	Ottime capacità di problem solving.
•	Ottime capacità comunicative.
•	Discreta conoscenza della lingua inglese.
•	Ottima padronanza del lessico italiano.
Inglese - Sufficiente
Informazioni addizionali
Skills Developed in the Junior Programmer Course
Simple code editing and comprehension
-	Comprehend and evaluate basic code
-	Use an IDE to modify simple code.
Writing basic code
-	Use common logic structures to control the execution of code. 
-	Write code that utilizes the various Unity APIs
-	Choose and correctly implement appropriate data types. 
-	Write code that integrates into an existing system.
-	Prototype new concepts.
-	Use a code style that is efficient and easy to read.
-	Recognize object-oriented vs. data-oriented code.
Debugging basic code
-	Diagnose and fix code that compiles, but fails to perform as expected.
-	Diagnose and fix common compilation bugs.
-	Diagnose and fix compilation bugs related to Unity’s Scripting API.
-	Diagnose and fix the cause of an exception.
Programming theory
-	Apply the principles of Inheritance and polymorphism to simplify code and make it more reusable. 
-	Apply the principles of abstraction, encapsulation, and interfaces to make code more secure and usable.
-	Apply the principles of Object Oriented Programming to write efficient, organized, and comprehensible code.
Programming User Interfaces
-	Create user interfaces as defined in design documents.
-	Write scripts for interactive user interfaces.
Writing intermediate code
-	Create the scene flow in an application state. 
-	Implement basic data persistence per session. 
-	Refactor, restructure, and clean code for maximum efficiency. 
Source Control
-	Use version control to maintain a project
Code optimization
-       Profile and debug trivial performance issues